Virginia Run Cafeteria

All children are required to eat lunch in the cafeteria.  Students may bring lunch from home or purchase lunch at school.  Students should not bring canned or bottled drinks or soda to the cafeteria for lunch.  Nutritious school breakfasts and lunches are served daily in the cafeteria.  The prices for school meals are:

Student $1.75
Reduced-price breakfast for qualifying studentsno charge
Student $3.25
Reduced-price lunch for qualifying students       no charge

The milk price is .60¢ and can be purchased separately.

Meal Accounts

Students are issued a personalized ID number that they will use when purchasing a lunch.  The food services manager also keeps this number under their teacher’s name. Students can open or add money to a meal account by bringing cash or a check made out to Virginia Run Elementary Food Service to the cafeteria manager.

Parents can also purchase meals online using is external). The service is easy to use, convenient, private, and secure. Once an account is established, parents can check the fund account anytime from their computer.

 Money can be placed in the account in one of three ways:

  • Meals only (no a la carte snacks allowed)
  • Cash only (meals and a la carte snacks allowed)
  • Meals and Cash (meals and some cash for a la carte snacks--parents specify how many snacks)

This information must be communicated to the cafeteria manager each time you send in money.  When no preference is given, money is put into a cash account and can be used for all food items.

When your child is running low on money, an “I need lunch money” sticker will be sent home. You will also receive a KIT message from Food Services.  Please make your child’s account a priority. Federal regulations prohibit the cafeteria from letting students or adults charge lunches. If a child forgets their lunch and has no lunch money, they will be offered cereal and milk compliments of the PTA.  A note will be sent home with information on how you can refund or donate to the PTA lunch fund.


A menu is sent home each month.  You are encouraged to review the menu with your child.  The complete lunch consists of a main item, two choices from the fruits and vegetables of the day, and milk.  A la carte items, such as low fat popcorn, cookie and low-fat ice cream, are offered at additional cost.

Special Arrangements

Parents/guardians can make special arrangements for students with milk allergies.  Juice will be substituted for milk with the daily lunch after a letter from a physician is presented to the cafeteria manager.  Parents/guardians of students with a severe food allergy (such as peanut allergy) should contact the main office.  Regulations governing the federal lunch program permit food substitutions for individual children with medical or other special dietary needs but ONLY when supported by a statement from a recognized medical authority, which includes recommended alternate foods.

Visiting for Lunch

We are always happy to see a family member come to eat with a student. It is a special occasion for the entire class.  Visitors typically either purchase lunch from the cafeteria or bring a bag lunch from home. 

It is nice for the students to see that grownups also eat nutritious lunches.  We ask that you do not bring in soft drinks or “fast-food lunches.”  The sale of soft drinks to students is prohibited in all Fairfax County Public Schools, from elementary through high school, during the school day.  The emphasis on nutritional eating is reflected in our health curriculum and in the selection of food sold in the cafeteria.  We ask that you come to eat lunch with your child, you help us continue to model healthy, nutritious eating.  It is your presence, more than anything that makes the occasion special for your child.  Adult lunches are $4.75.

Remember to check in the office before proceeding to the cafeteria.